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Adam Rocks. . .and Max Rolls!



Connie Colwell Miller


Helena Perez Garcia






6.8" x 8"


6 - 8

Every child with autism is different. But they struggle with many of the same things: language, motor skills, sensory processing, perception, executive functioning, and socialization. These fictional stories show how diverse autistic characters cope with the daily challenges created by neurodiversity. Designed for elementary-aged kids, this series encourages understanding and acceptance - essential parts of social-emotional learning (SEL). Adam is autistic. He often rocks back and forthduring story time. When his classmate Max makes fun of Adam's stimming behavior, it takes a teacher stepping in to help the two boys understand each other. Includes a glossary of important words and tips for self-soothing. Every child with autism is different. But they struggle with many of the same things, including repetitive motions, or stimming. This fictional story shows how an autistic child can cope with the daily challenges created by neurodiversity. Designed for elementary-aged kids, thistitle encourages understanding and acceptance - essential parts of social-emotional learning (SEL).

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Adam Rocks. . .and Max Rolls!

$12.00 USD


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